The causes of skin dryness are:
Weather: Temperature and humidity drop during the winter months. During these months, the skin tends to be dry. Dry skin is common in the cold.

Temperature: The stove, fireplace, electric stove and heater used to heat the environment dries the air and causes the skin to dry out.
Hot baths and showers: Staying in hot water for a long time can dry out the skin. At the same time, heavily chlorinated pools also cause skin dryness.
Soaps and detergents: Most products used for skin cleansing reduce moisture in the skin.
Skin diseases: In skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, the skin becomes dry and flaky.
Age: The skin of the elderly tends to be more dry than the younger ones.

Hand washing: Dry hands occur in those who have to wash their hands frequently due to their profession.
Dry skin during pregnancy: Pregnant women can experience dry skin during pregnancy. Hormonal changes and stretching of the abdominal skin can cause the skin to lose its elasticity and moisture. As a result, itchy, scaly and dry skin lesions may occur on the abdomen and thighs of pregnant women. In order to eliminate the problem, it is necessary to constantly moisturize the skin by using a moisturizer.

Insufficient fluid: Drinking enough water every day is also extremely important for skin health. When the body is dehydrated, it can manifest with skin dryness.
Who Has Skin Dryness?
Dry skin becomes more common with age. The decrease in the amount of water, which constitutes approximately 10% of the upper layer of the skin, causes cracking, itching and dryness in the skin. Most people with dry skin do not have an underlying disease. The majority of people with dry skin are those who shower frequently.
What to do to Prevent Skin Dryness?
•Dry skin occurs with the decrease in the amount of moisture in the body, we should consume plenty of water, especially in summer.
•We should not spend a long time in the shower and bathe in very hot water.

•We should definitely use moisturizing cream after the shower.
•We should avoid using soap as soaps will cause dryness problems on the skin.
•We should avoid contact with detergents, acetone and chemicals.
•Since the humidity will decrease in the environments where the air conditioner is used, we should humidify the environment we are in.
•Prefer cotton ones in your clothes.
•Protect your hands from cold by using gloves in cold weather
•Always use sunscreen products when going out in the sun.
Skin Dryness Symptoms

Dry skin is usually temporary – it can only appear in winter, for example – or it can be a lifelong condition. The signs and symptoms of dry skin depend on your age, health, where you live, time spent outdoors, and the cause of the problem. Dry skin can cause one or more of the following:
• Feeling of tightness on the skin, especially after showering, bathing or swimming

• Hard-looking skin
• Itching
• Mild or severe flaking, peeling
• Fine lines or cracks
• Redness
• Deep cracks that may bleed
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